Mobility plays a key role in the design, implementation, and analysis of Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) solutions. However, currently, this factor has not been widely investigated and understood, especially from the routing perspective, which is essential to the communication of ‘things’. In this article, we combine the concepts from the literature with our experience to be able to discuss the mobile routing requirements for IoMT and compare current solutions addressing those requirements. We evaluate the performance of Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL), the most used routing protocol in IoMT, pointing out the main limitations that RPL faces in mobility scenarios. Also, we discuss the impact of the device’s mobility patterns for routing. Finally, we highlight trends and future directions for IoMT.

Please cite:

 author = {Bruno Santos and Paulo Rettore and Luiz Vieira and Antonio Loureiro},
 title = {A Internet das Coisas está preparada para mobilidade?},
 booktitle = {Anais do V Workshop de Computação Urbana},
 location = {Uberlândia},
 year = {2021},
 keywords = {},
 issn = {2595-2706},
 pages = {1--14},
 publisher = {SBC},
 address = {Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil},
 doi = {10.5753/courb.2021.17100},
 url = {}
Founding agencies: CNPq/CAPES/FAPEMIG.

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